Like new. Very easy to set up and tear down. Drives like a dream even with a mid size suv. The anti sway and weight distraction hitch included makes a huge difference. Air conditioning. Runs on shore
75th Anniversary Special Edition designed by Christopher C. Deam. Distinctly modern style, the International Signature CCD is great for those who love clean, modern sophistication as much as they love
Velda is a big girl with lots of room for the family. Easy to pull and easy to park, the double axels will make you look like a pro as you slide her into your spot. You will have your own toilet, show
Vikki is the perfect little getaway trailer for your mid size SUV. She is easy to pull and easy to park for almost any size vehicle. Inside Vikki you will find all the comforts of home. Fridge, stove,
Like new. Very easy to set up and tear down. Drives like a dream even with a mid size suv. The anti sway and weight distraction hitch included makes a huge difference. Air conditioning. Runs on shore
75th Anniversary Special Edition designed by Christopher C. Deam. Distinctly modern style, the International Signature CCD is great for those who love clean, modern sophistication as much as they love
Velda is a big girl with lots of room for the family. Easy to pull and easy to park, the double axels will make you look like a pro as you slide her into your spot. You will have your own toilet, show
Vikki is the perfect little getaway trailer for your mid size SUV. She is easy to pull and easy to park for almost any size vehicle. Inside Vikki you will find all the comforts of home. Fridge, stove,
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