The best RV rentals in Iqaluit, NU

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RV rentals in Iqaluit, NU

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Each RV listing provides you with pictures, prices, descriptions, available add-ons, reviews, and information about the owner.

Book your RV

Booking requests include your basic travel plans to help owners get to know you and make recommendations for your trip!

Hit the road!

On the first day of your trip, your host will walk you through their RV so that you’re well prepared for your adventure!

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Recent RV rental reviews in Iqaluit, NU

Discover Iqaluit

Iqaluit is located near beautiful parklands that feature a range of landscapes, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and ancient Thule sites to visit. This exciting, dynamic city is the political, business, journalism and transportation hub of Nunavut, with an excellent airport. The landing strip is long enough to land the space shuttle, so it is often used for cold weather testing of the world’s largest new aircraft. Formerly known as Frobisher Bay, the modern city of Iqaluit is rich with traditional Inuit culture. It is the home of many Inuit artists, filmmakers and musicians, plus there are arts and culture festivals staged in the spring and summer that bring artists here from across the territory.
Just minutes away from Iqaluit, this incredible park covers the primordial tundra valley, icy rivers, and stunning waterfalls that make up the True North. It's the destination for real explorers who dream of catching rare finds like the arctic char, spotting unique fauna like the woodsia fern, or simply chasing after the aurora borealis in all of its glory. The park also has incredible archeological draws, including artifacts and sites used by the Dorset and Thule peoples. You'll be able to see arctic foxes and hares, caribou, and dozens of species of birds. It's always worth keeping in mind that camping this far north is always considered wilderness camping, so plan accordingly.
Qaummaarviit is a real must-see, and not just for those who love archeology and human history. The Island's name means "the place that shines", and experts now believe the Thule peoples frequented this island off Peterhead Inlet for its incredible biodiversity. You can see a small village of 11 semi-buried houses dating back thousands of years, and have an idea of what life was like for the original inhabitants of the Island. The park is filled with interesting and revealing archeological and historic sites with guidance, where you can really dive into the past.

Frequently asked questions

How does RVezy work?
RVezy is a marketplace that connects RV owners with travelers looking to rent an RV. RVezy takes care of everything, including RV and renter verifications, payments, insurance, and customer support.
How much does it cost to rent an RV near Iqaluit?
Motorhomes near Iqaluit average $200/night while towable trailers are around $120/night. Most RV owners offer weekly and monthly discounts between 10 and 20%.
What’s included in the RV rental?
Most rentals include all the essentials you need for a great trip. From cookware, to linens, owners do their best to make you feel at home. Each RV listing will provide details around what’s included.
How far can I go with the RV? What’s the price for mileage?
Most owners offer either unlimited mileage or very generous daily limits. The included mileage and extras appear on your booking estimate before you put in your booking request.
What’s required to rent or drive an RV?
In the majority of cases, RVezy rentals require a driver with an unrestricted license for 8 years and clean insurance profile. You don’t need a special class to drive most motorhomes.
How am I insured/covered during my rental?
Every RV rental is fully insured through our commercial fleet policy. You can also add-on our 24/7 roadside assistance at any time before your trip begins.
Are RV rentals pet-friendly?
Many owners allow pets in their RV. You can search for pet-friendly RVs or check the individual listings to see if there are any extra fees or deposits required for you to bring your furry friends.
How does RV delivery work?
As an add-on, most RV owners are willing to deliver and/or set up their RV to help simplify your trip. Ex: have a trailer delivered to a local campground so you don’t want to drive.
What do I do if I have additional questions?
RVezy’s customer support team is happy to answer any questions that come up before, during or after your rental. You can contact us anytime at

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