2013 TrailManor 2922 KD
Delivery Options
No driving necessary! Whether it’s to your campsite or your door, the host will deliver up to 200 miles from their location.
A note from the host: The Cleaning fee is an all-inclusive Set up, Deliver, Tear Down, and Clean Up fee that covers all of the boring, unfun stuff - so you don't have to deal with it. There is a lot that goes into camping BEFORE the camping begins. By providing Delivery, Set Up, Tear Down, and Return Service we offer an excellent experience for campers who do not want the responsibility or worry about the hassle (i.e. work) that is required with camping with a Camper Trailer. The "work" that you let us provide you includes, but is not limited to: BEFORE DEPARTURE - Prepare necessary camping gear such as: kitchen supplies and outdoor equipment. - Check and ensure that the trailer is in good working condition (tires, brakes, lights, etc.). - Secure any loose items inside the trailer. - Close and lock all windows and doors. - Check that all appliances and systems inside the trailer are in good working order. - Double-check that all required documents are in order, such as registration and insurance. HOOKING UP THE TRAILER - Position the tow vehicle in alignment with the trailer hitch. - Lower the trailer tongue onto the hitch ball. - Secure the hitch by locking it and attaching safety chains. - Connect the electrical plug to ensure the trailer lights work. - Attach the breakaway cable to the tow vehicle. - Verify that the trailer is properly connected by performing a visual inspection. PRE-TRAVEL CHECKLIST - Adjust the side mirrors of the tow vehicle to provide proper visibility. - Test the brakes and lights on the trailer to ensure they are working correctly. - Verify that the weight distribution and sway control systems (if applicable) are properly set. - Confirm that the tires on both the tow vehicle and trailer are properly inflated. On the Road: DRIVING - Drive at a safe and controlled speed, keeping a safe distance from other vehicles. - Monitor the trailer's behavior and adjust driving as necessary to maintain stability. ARRIVAL - Position the trailer in the designated spot, ensuring it is level. - Engage the trailer's stabilizers or jacks to prevent movement. - Connect the trailer to the campsite's electrical and water hookups. - Set up any additional equipment, such as awnings or outdoor furniture. DEPARTING - Secure all loose items inside the trailer. - Disconnect the trailer from the campsite's electrical and water hookups. - Retract and secure any deployed equipment, such as awnings or slide-outs. - Double-check that all windows, doors, and vents are closed and locked. - Ensure the trailer's interior is clean and free from debris. - Conduct a final walk-around to ensure everything is in order. - Returning and Disconnecting:
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